
網友評鑑4顆星,我朋友前幾天買了 覺得很滿意喔



On the west coast of the Pacific Ocean,in the east end of the alluvial plain of the Changjiang delta.there is a great port Shanghai,which covers an area of 6,340.5 square kilometers and has a population more than 17,780,000.It has a subtropical monsoon climate;many rivers flow through it,such as the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek.A famous city with a history of over 700 years,Shanghai has been the economic center and has great political and cultural influences on Chinese modern and contemporary history.Water contributes to Shanghai﹀s culture.Shanghai﹀s easy access to sea and rivers attracts many merchants to flock here.Water is to be found everywhere,in and around the city.There are a variety of rivers and creeks in and outside the city.It faces East China Sea with Tai Lake at its back,and borders Hangzhou Bay,under the arms of Changjiang River.Water broadens the city﹀s view.The unstoppable currents entitle the city with an extended view and keen eyesight.Being the fashion leader and pionee she keeps pacewith the time and always leads a new trend.Water gives the city broad-mindedness.Shanghai opens up her arms to embrace talents from all over the world,to welcome people of all races.and to accept completely different schools of thoughts.Many people thus regard Shanghai as their second homeland.Water entitles the city with ambition.The surging waves make the city ambitious,enthusiastic,and vigorous.Her great ambition to advance toward the world is lies in heroic characteristics.


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